Adoption Event Volunteer

Steps to Volunteering at our adoption events

Every other Saturday.

Location of Adoption Event:


6925 Mission Street Daly City, CA

What to Expect:

Schedule for Event Days:

Pet Food Express has the following items we usually do not need to bring: xpen (various sizes), table, wire crates (various sizes), Poop bags, clean up supplies.

We leave our own Crate, and wire catio, cat beds, litter box(es), signage, clipboards in their storage(may not need to pack)**


  • Arrive at HDBnQ Rescue HQ 345 Norfolk Drive Pacifica ca 94044 

  • Pack the car:

    • New Pet Flyers

    • Food/litter

    • floor coverings for the xpen (if puppies are not vaccinated)

    • pet food express coupons

    • donation box

    • business cards

    • litter boxes**

    • beds**

    • bowls**

    • table**

    • Crates**


  • Arrive at Pet Food Express 6925 Mission Street Daly City CA

  • Set up, pull items from storage (bathroom in the back area)

  • Chairs if needed.

  • Kittens:

    • Table top, collapsible catio(s) litter box and food/water bowls, beds

  • Puppies(not full vaccinated): 

    • Blanket/ kiddie pool for floor covering

    • xpen around the floor covering

    • Clip together for security with provided clips on xpen

  • Dogs(fully vaccinated):

    • Held/leashed by Volunteer/Foster for the event. 

  • Cats (adult):

    • If the cats get along they can be in a catio together.

    • If they are not cat friendly they can be in a large wire crate by themselves.

    • Adult cats usually do not attend events unless we have a special on them.


  • fosters start to arrive with pets. Transfer pets safely to their respective areas.

  • Event starts. Some people are coming specifically to see a pet and have already filled out an application. Some are just walk ins

11am to 2:30pm

  • Answer questions

  • Direct people to the website for application and answers to all questions.

  • watch the puppies to be sure they aren't pooping and peeing and stepping in it

  • separate kittens if they are actively fighting

  • Report to the staff how many pets arrived and how many were adopted


  • Fosters start arriving to pick up pets

  • Start wrapping up questions and refer people to the website

  • hand out business cards.


  • By now all fosters should have picked up their pets

  • If any are still waiting or are for you to transport back start packing those in carriers

  • Throw out litter and uneaten food, pull shelving and beds and pack it up

  • disassemble the catio and return to storage

  • fold up xpen and return to storage

  • fold blanket/pool for flooring and pack up

  • put the table and chairs back to storage

We are working on keeping supplies at Pet Food Express so there is less travel from HQ and PFE to pick up/drop off supplies. If we hold other events at other locations though we will likely have to bring our supplies.

Things to know:

  • Wear comfy clothes and shoes you don’t mind getting dirty

  • Wear layers for unpredictable weather

  • Starbucks is in the same plaza. Many food options as well